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Optical Detection

Ray2 features Ready for 360° scanning; VIP security; Sniper detection; and Border protection.

Ray™ 2

An all-weather, 24-hour surveillance systems that provides security and protection for borders, VIP’s and important locations. Fast scanning enables the detection of snipers, video, photography, cameras, and scopes.

Beam 230 is an all-weather, 24-hour surveillance systems that provides security and protection for borders, VIP’s, and important locations.

Beam™ 230

An all-weather, 24-hour surveillance systems that provides security and protection for borders, VIP’s, and important locations. Fast scanning enables the detection of snipers, video, photography, cameras, and scopes. System features include pan/tilt capabilities, 360° panoramic camera at video rates, and geo-location of targets with GPS data. Beam™ 230 can be mounted to a vehicle, pole, or building to provide monitoring and automatic alerts.

Campanile 233 has multiple electro-optic sensors allowing the operator to focus on targets found by the Beam and to make effective decisions quickly.

Campanile™ 233

Campanile™ 233 is an optional target investigation system to Beam™ 230. Campanile™ has multiple electro-optic sensors allowing the operator to recognize and identify targets found by the Beam™ and to make effective decisions quickly. Campanile™ can provide variety of EO/IR custom made payloads.

Sentinel S45 is a waterproof, 24-hour surveillance system that provides security and protection for borders, VIP’s, and important locations.

Sentinel™ S45

A waterproof, 24-hour surveillance system that provides security and protection for borders, VIP’s, and important locations. Fast scanning enables the detection of snipers, video, photography, cameras, and scopes. Advanced features include geo-locating targets, compass, inclinometer, and GPS positioning. The Sentinel™ S45 can be mounted to a vehicle, pole, or building to provide monitoring and automatic alerts.