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Internal Display

Sector Optics' Internal Display G1's sensor technology can vastly expand the utilization of the riflescope by offering Situational Awareness while user is focused on the target.
The Sector Optics G5 Prismatic Scope is embedded with the unique Internal Display.


LightSpeed AN/PAQ-6 system is capable of passing any information in any format from ship to shore to mobile.
Lightspeed F10 is a non-RF free space optic video and control link, providing an invisible infrared Ethernet link between ground station and UAS.
The L3 Free Space Optical (FSO) tactical flashlight supports simultaneous stereophonic quality full duplex voice communication and 20 megabits/second of Ethernet data communication in environments where traditional radio communication are either not allowed, degraded or not available.
LightSpeed R36 unit is the latest generation of the Optical Communication system providing IP based Ethernet network and voice connection between vehicles.
LightSpeed U10 provides a 2-way, non-RF communication system from submarines to surface, airborne or underwater platforms with a wide angle of view.
AN/PAQ-6 v2 Replaces legacy Phone and Distance Line (PDL) system during Underway Replenishment (UNREP) with LightSpeed technology.
AN/PAQ-6™ v2
LightSpeed L1 is a tactical flashlights gives you the ability to communicate without radio (non-RF).
LightSpeed L20 is a small, portable, simple to use LED based light gun for signaling.
LightSpeed R50 provides full-duplex voice communication and functions as an Ethernet link to a remote computing device or to another system via a standard Ethernet connection.
LightSpeed U15 provides a 2-way, non-RF communication system from submarines to surface, airborne or underwater platforms with a wide angle of view.
Lightspeed B22 provides full-duplex voice communication and measures distances between LightSpeed devices with very high accuracy to provide distance, velocity and acceleration.
LightSpeed L2 is a tactical flashlights gives you the ability to communicate without radio (non-RF) which is critical to many tactical situations.
LightSpeed L30 is a small, portable, simple to use LED based light gun for signaling.
LightSpeed R55 handheld optical device.
LightSpeed Oceanlink is a 2-way, non-RF communication system from submarines to surface, airborne or underwater platforms with a wide angle of view.


Lightning LT26 helmet is a non-RF team communication system for voice and data communications inside or outside vehicles.

Optical Detection

Beam 85 enables fast scanning detection of snipers, video, photography, cameras, and scopes.
Beam™ 85
Campanile 233 has multiple electro-optic sensors allowing the operator to focus on targets found by the Beam and to make effective decisions quickly.
Beam™ 233
Ray2 features Ready for 360° scanning; VIP security; Sniper detection; and Border protection.
Sentinel S45 is a waterproof, 24-hour surveillance system that provides security and protection for borders, VIP’s, and important locations.
Sentinel™ S45
Beam 230 is an all-weather, 24-hour surveillance systems that provides security and protection for borders, VIP’s, and important locations.
Beam™ 230

Laser Detection

The D1 is a passive laser warning receiver. It is designed to detect, and coarsely locate directions of laser emissions from other hunters’ laser devices and rangefinders to aid in the prevention of shooting and laser eye damage accidents to downrange hunters.
The D5™ laser warning system enhances safety and survivability in today’s battlefield environment by notifying its wearer of any commercial or military targeting laser emissions.
The D2 alerts its wearer of laser discharges in visible, nearIR and SWIR through audible and visual cues, and/or tactile feedback. It can also be connected to a management system and provide laser warning as a defensive aid via USB C port.
The D3 laser warning system enhances safety and survivability in today’s battlefield environment by notifying its wearer of any commercial or military targeting laser emissions.

IFF Beacons

I2 Thermal/NIR Smart Beacon is designed for Identification of Friend or Foe (IFF), Communications (Information), Search and Rescue (SAR) and related applications.

Wind Detection

VENOM is a weapon-mounted wind measurement device contains all the functions of a laser rangefinder, ballistic computer and other sensors.
VENOM LX is a a robust crosswind measurement system for snipers that can be easily adapted to perform wind measurement from an aerostat platform or ground station.
xWinds (Crosswinds) system provides a training aid for wind estimation and visualization.

Software Solutions

Mosaic System addresses the need to create mosaic images on-the-fly and geo-register them.
Mosaic™ System
Temporal Processing System's Custom Image Solutions is a component toolkit for industrial and governmental needs.
TPS Imaging